Prove It! Our Ten-Minute Podcasts on Communications Clarity

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Prove It! Podcast with Debbie Albert

It’s all Beth’s fault.

My colleague and friend, Beth Brodovsky, is usually three steps ahead of every trend. There’s no other way to say it: she’s cool.

We get together for breakfast a few times a year and every time, I leave with a soiled napkin filled with ideas and notes about things I want to follow up on, people I want to meet, books to read, podcasts to explore, apps to download.

Years ago, Beth started a podcast for non-profits working to drive participation in their organizations. I loved the idea and Beth asked me to be a guest on an upcoming episode. Back in 2015, I was on an episode talking about how to design a website that could speak to both donors and recipients of a non-profit, each audience coming to the site for very different reasons.

Beth promoted the hell out of it, as she does with all her episodes. It’s a win-win-win. Beth is seen as the thought leader, her guests get a promotional boost, and the leaders of non-profits listening to the podcast learn something new in every single episode.

Getting a podcast launched is no easy feat. There are twists and turns and technical issues along the way, not to mention the need to coordinate with busy guests, find a post-production house you trust, hire someone for transcriptions, communicate the hell out of it (a la Beth) and oh yea, doing your other work at the same time.

And needless to say, before you even begin, you also need to figure out the purpose, the concept, the artwork, and the title. It takes a long, long time.

So, when I began listening to podcasts about marketing and communications, I found that 45-60 minutes was just too long – for me. 

I decided to do ten-minute podcasts that would include three questions and a proof point of what’s working in marketing communications today. It would be a high-level view of an issue, but most importantly, it would provide a proof point on the ROI, essential for all of our client interactions. 

Each episode will focus primarily on areas in which Albert Communications provides services: crisis communications and public relations, change management communications, digital marketing and social media, communications audits and assessments, and website and graphic design.

We’ll be uploading new episodes every other Monday, beginning September 17, and will always be on the hunt for new guests to provide new insights. If you have an idea, let me know. If you’d like to be a guest, don’t be shy. We’re excited to get this party started.

Ten minutes. Three questions. And proof of what’s working in marketing communications today.

Ready? Prove it!